In Class

Personal Website

Codepen Instructions

Create a new CodePen project.


You will create a codepen project for your personal website.

  • Your site will contain the following pages:
    • A main/home page (index.html) with a photo of you and a section where you describe yourself. You should also include your "interest" cards on this page.
    • A page with your professional work experiance (resume.html).
    • A contact me page (contact.html) which contains a form that the user can use to contact you.
  • There should also be a main stylesheet (main.css) that is used for styling your site.
  • All Javascript should be in a main javascript file (main.js)
  • Create a navigation bar that links to each of the pages correctly. The navigation bar should appear on each page. You can use your own styling or a Bootstrap nav bar.


Oh, The Places I've Been

Codepen Instructions

Open up your Personal Bio Site Codepen Project.


  • Create a new HTML file in your pages directory called "visited-places.html"
  • Create a nav bar link to this new page from your index.html
  • Create a new JS file called "getPlaces.js"
  • Link your JS file to your "visited-places.html"
    • In your HTML
    • Include a single button.
    • Give the button an id of "seePlaces".
    • Create an empty div element that comes after the button.
    • Give the div element an id of "outputPlaces".

      In your JS
    • Create an array of image links for places you've been. (A great source of free travel images is
    • Create an array of the names of those places that you created in the step above.
    • Create an event listener on the seePlaces button.
    • The event listener should call a function populatePlaces. This function should loop through the arrays and create "cards" with the image and the title. You should give each of these cards a class so you can style them.
    • The function should output all of these cards to the outputPlaces div.
    • Bonus: The function hide the seePlaces button.

  • STYLE! Style the cards in a way that looks pretty.



Spruce Up Your Personal Bio Site Using Bootstrap

Level 1: Redo Your Blog Page Using Cards

Codepen Instructions

Option 1: Open up your personal blog site pen from the last exercise.

Option 2: Create a new CodePen pen for a "Bootstrap-ified" blog.


  • Use the necessary link and script tags to install Bootstrap in your project.
  • Add a div with the class of "container" around all the content on your page.
  • Convert each of your blog entries into a Bootstrap Card.
  • The blog title should be in a card-header div and the content should be in the card-body div. The author and date should be in a card-footer div.


Level 2: Add Navigation to Your Personal Site

Codepen Instructions

Option 1: Open up your personal bio site pen from the last exercise.

Option 2: Create a new CodePen pen for a "Bootstrap-ified" personal bio site.


  • Use the necessary link and script tags to install Bootstrap in your project.
  • Convert your navigation bar to a Bootstrap Responsive Navigation bar (style of your choosing).


Full Screen
Mobile (or smaller screen size)

Level 3: Use the Grid System For Page Layout

Codepen Instructions

Option 1: Open up your personal bio site pen from the last exercise.

Option 2: Continue with the new CodePen pen you created in Part 2 for a "Bootstrap-ified" personal bio site.


  • Add a div with the class of "container" around all the content on your page (with the exception of the nav bar).
  • Utilize the Bootstrap Grid system to make your "work history" section take up 2/3 of the width of the page.
  • Utilize the Bootstrap Grid system to make your "contact me" section take up 1/3 of the width of the page.
  • Bonus: Utilize col-lg-x/col-md-x/col-sm-x to make it so that your page has the following views:
    • On Large: Work History 2/3 of page width; Contact Me 1/3 of page width.
    • On Medium: Work History 1/2; Contact Me 1/2
    • On Small: Work History 100%; Contact Me 100%


Level 4: Go Crazy

Codepen Instructions

Option 1: Open up your personal bio site pen from the last exercise.

Option 2: Continue with the new CodePen pen you created in Part 2 for a "Bootstrap-ified" personal bio site.


  • Play around with more Bootstrap components and give your personal bio site some pizzazz!